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We have sponsorship and volunteer opportunities! For more information please email our Bouncers pro,              Kayela at

Bouncers has three levels of sponsorship:

1.  General Sponsors

Shared web links/back links, your logo on our t-shirts, flyers, etc. This is where a majority of our support comes from.

2.  Area Sponsors

Sponsor a specific areas of Bouncers (i.e. Inflatables, Little Area Bouncers, Parent Area, Birthday Party Room(s), Snack Bar, etc.). These sponsors help drive the development of future additions to Bouncers, like a nature walk by Hogtown Creek, the ropes course in the field, and also an expansion of the current outdoor playground area. Also includes the General Sponsor level.

3.  Business Partner Sponsors

Business/Franchise owners or those who have experience in the area of fitness, diet, health, or lifestyle who would like to provide blog content on Bouncers' website and social media, classes for the community, etc in exchange for being the monthly featured sponsor that Bouncers will promote. Also includes the General Sponsor level.

Bouncers is proud to be working with our sponsors and we thank them all for helping us and our community become more active and live a healthier lifestyle!

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© 2018 by Gainesville Bouncers

3401 NW 34th St, Gainesville, FL 32605

Bouncers is a 501(c)3 with Non Profit ID of 81-2225509.

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